Anti-Semitism: overview

July 1492 has been busy for King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. That same month, their of explorer Christopher Columbus embarked on his journey to the discovery of America. Executives also expelled all the Jews from Spain. Two hundred thousand people or more have been uprooted and presence in Italy, the Turkey and the Portuguese. Some refugees were betrayed by the captains of ships, which pass their dependants and threw them into the sea the eviction was just the latest round of persecution that the Christian Spain had two on the Jews for more than a century. They had adopted laws against them and forced to convert to Christianity. The Spanish Inquisition was often found fault with the newly converted and attacked. Even burn at the stake. This sad episode is one of many in the history very long and very violent feelings anti-Jewish worldwide.

One of the issues most controversial and the most intractable of intolerance in modern history is a recurrent hate WS and the persecution of Jews and Jewish communities. Known as the "anti-Semitism, hatred of the Jews has fueled some of the most extreme cases of racism in the history of humanity, represented by the horrors of the Holocaust carried out by the RIM Germany during the second world war. For most historians, anti-Semitism is studied as a prevailing phenomenon, but strong anti-Semitic persecution was previously for centuries.

Jesus of Nazareth

On a sample lot of community and institutional assault on Jews since the ' antiquity, although the "modern anti-Semitism has very different characteristics that earlier anti-Jewish feelings. In Mediterranean antiquity, many Pagans harbored anti-Jewish feelings. This stems in large part because the Jews rejected the various pagan gods in favor of the scholar of Judaism. Later, Christianity grew out of Judaism: Jésus Christ and his disciples were Jews. After the death of Jesus, his followers became known as Christians. But as the Christian religion developed, theologians constructed attacks on the Jews. They wanted to blame someone for the unjust death of Jesus. Fathers of the Church said that the Jewish community was responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus. They were also angry with the Jews to reject Christianity. These two points, a conduit to the widespread intolerance and the persecution of the Jews in the Christian world for centuries.

The Romans and their Jewish European successors forced segregation. Professions limited their participation to many and even expelled from their countries. These practices have led to the marginalization of the Jews in the whole of European society, which is stimulated by the official doctrine of the ' Church. As a result of this belief, many Christians throughout Europe participated in pogroms or the massacres of the Jews over the centuries. Often these massacres were precipitated by rumors of Jews of committing violence against Christians. Among the rumors more ridiculous, but sustainable, was the smear of blood. This rumor claimed that Jews kill Christian babies to obtain sings them to make special foods for Jewish holidays. As a consequence of these rumors, the Jews throughout Europe were severely persecuted.

Germans walk by destroyed Jewish Affairs

In the last two centuries, the Jews acquired many rights and equated with success in countries around the world. Nevertheless, at the same time, anti-Semitism has evolved into its modern form. This contemporary form is based on a pseudo-scientific idea that one race is superior to another. Enemy Jews claim that they are separate 'courses' which, as son but base of existence, the desire to destroy all other peoples of the world. The term "anti-Semitism" appeared in the middle of the 19th century as a term specifically used to promote anti-Jewish feelings among non-Jews in Europe. Organizations and anti-Semitic literature began to actively promote the idea to rid Europe of its Jewish population, as the Jews were portrayed as Baju, untrustworthy, and politically dangerous as a group, a community engaged in a conspiracy to destroy all other peoples in the world. Capitalist associated Jews with communism, while the Communists associated Jews with capitalism and a belief is widespread that all Jews were organized as a racial destruction "white" group or "Aryan" civilization has become commonplace. The most deadly expression of this kind of modern anti-Semitism emerged from propaganda for RIM in Germany. The culmination of this propaganda was fatal. Between 1933 and 1945, the Jews have been the object of systematic persecution and physical morales Germany and territories it conquered, persecution, which eventually led to the murder of more than 6 million Jews throughout Europe. This event is known as the Holocaust.

In the wake of the Holocaust, many Jews and non-Jews around the world began to campaign actively to put an end to the spread of "anti-Semitism. The Catholic Church abandons its policy of old to blame the Jews as a group of the crucifixion of Jesus in the Second Vatican Council in 1965. It was an important step to progressive Jewish/Christian-Christian reconciliation, and historians may believe that it was born of the realization that centuries of persecution d official Church of the Jews have contributed to a climate of hatred that makes events such as the Holocaust possible. On the other hand, organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League have been based in the United States and other countries to deal with public demonstrations of anti-Semitism and the Hurst as fraud. Finally, as the pseudo-sciences of the 19th century lost their credibility, number of initial claims made by racists on the Jews, tells that their inferiority racial "inherent" have been debunked and abandoned.

Israeli flag

However, there are many groups that constitute to believe in the "idea of a Jewish conspiracy out to destroy the world, and which promote versions of the"anti-Semitism worldwide. An event that caused this new wave of anti-Jewish feeling has been the creation of the nation of Israel in 1948. The displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians shocked the Arab and Islamic world. Followed by a revival of anti-Semitic stereotypes in these countries. It is ironic, given that, historically, the Jews in lands feel do not enjoy community and personal freedoms that Jews in Europe. In addition, white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups in Europe and North America have Meissnerianis to perpetuate the anti-Semitic myths as part of their ideological frames of hatred, which makes the lanyard's question to be solved in many parts of the world.

In recent years, observers from around the world have noticed an apparent even anti-Semitism, and of non-governmental organizations, such as the Simon Wiesenthal Center and Human Rights Watch, have made tackling this problem a priority. Nevertheless, continue the belief held by millions throughout the world, that Jews are works as a racial group to ruin all other groups, continue to endure. Many people hope that ongoing efforts of education will destroy this illusion decolourise once for all, reversing centuries of hatred and persecution of Jews in the world.

Other References

Cannes, Jerome A. Antisemitism: A reference manual. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2004; Hilberg, Raul. The Destruction of the European Jews. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1985; McKain, Mark. Anti-Semitism: in question. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2005.


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