Advertising: overview

Advertising is a method of persuading consumers to buy goods and services by making them aware that these existing products and services. Ads can take almost any form, including printing, audio, television, movies, coupons, free promotions, entertainment, and everything that make consumers think about a product or a brand. One of the most successful campaigns of the 20th century is Aunt Jemima. She has appeared on boxes of pancake in 1893 flour. The model in the photo was a former slave, and she appears dressed in a dress stereotypical slave, including an apron and kerchief. Racism was rampant in America at the beginning of the 20th century, translated to the Aunt Jemima image as an African-American slave or a servant. However, it has changed a lot over the years in the 1950s and 1960, the Americans complained about the way that Aunt Jemima was represented. Her look has changed considerably as a result. Today, his handkerchief and apron are gone, and she wears a neat collar and pearls. Far from being a servant, it is now the middle class, maybe a superior or a homemaker. The campaign of the Aunt Jemima illustrated the works of advertising: it connects a product to an imaginary person or a slogan and Nocivo this icon to make it more attractive under current social conditions.

Advertising has become a serious business in the United States in the 1840s and 1850s. Verner B. Palmer opened the first American advertising agency in Philadelphia in 1841. During the 1850s, the companies have started to use advertisements to create an interest in products until then unknown. For example, in 1850, P.T. Barnum used a combination of advertising in newspapers, posters and leaflets to introduce the unknown Swedish singer Jenny Lind; the advertising was so successful that American 30,000 came to see her when she arrived at the port of New York. In 1861, there were 20 advertising agencies in New York, engaged in the field of the sale of thousands of new products appearing each year. Domestic like magazines harper's weekly made his debut and immediately worked as a vehicle for advertising.

James Buchanan Duke

Between 1870 and 1900, a variety of different magazines, newspapers and products arrived on the scene. Breakfast cereals, trading cards, Ivory SOAP, sewing machines, agricultural machines, users, soft drinks, phones and the phonograph all emerged during this period. Tobacco companies invented different ways of rolling cigarettes, allowing mass production. All these companies used advertising to persuade consumers to buy their products. Tobacco and alcohol launch companies and maintain particularly pervasive campaigns. Advertising was not limited to businesses; individuals could purchase small ads in newspapers to sell their own products. Advertising agencies made huge profits and has become more and more creative in their efforts to reach clients. Ads appeared in magazines, newspapers, by mail and on the rocks, barns and other buildings. Some states have begun passing laws limiting the areas where could appear ads. It was also expensive and advertising; in 1889, the Duke tobacco magnate spent a fifth of its gross turnover on advertising. Yet, it is so valuable to businesses that they willingly expended money.

Advertisers noted that some groups were more likely to buy specific products. In 1891, the magazine advertising age observed that women make most of the buying decisions, and advertisers have responded by directing their messages to women. Advertisers began to do the market research in the 1910s, which allowed them to target their ads to specific audiences.

Poster for the stamps of war as and borrowings

Public service advertising has appeared during the first world war, when advertisers utilized their campaigns to promote the sale of war bonds. Government agencies made include the use of advertising during the second world war, using radio and television time to educate the public about the war, public health and other matters. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) today requires radio and television broadcasters to devote a certain amount of their airtime to public service advertising.

Set TV to a whole new dimension. Companies are purchased during television broadcasts. Demographic research has enabled advertisers to D "Increasing L" effectiveness of their message by choosing programs to the public, which nod to their targeted consumers. Product placement, in which a product appears with some clearly visible name in a TV show, became a new secret method of advertising. Proctor & Gamble, a company that sold laundry detergents, helped create a "" serial, films in which characters used Proctor & Gamble products. In the 1960s, advertisers a smart slogan developed that consumers would come to be associated with specific products.

Car and NASCAR driver

The end of the 20th century, advertising was everywhere: on the display panels and leaflets, on the radio, before the movies, on the sides of buses, in posters for Broadway shows, racing cars and athletes, on Web sites, and almost any other place, that optative welcome words or an image. Better demographic information allows advertisers to create niche ads that reach that restrict a potential audience. TV commercials are always one of the most effective forms of advertising. It is so valuable to businesses that undertakings have been willing to pay over $ 2 million to run a commercial during the Super Bowl.

Since the beginning of advertising, on fears that advertising had the adverse power to mislead customers on the qualities of the products. Some magazines of the 19th century, for example, ban advertisements for patented medicines. Some observers criticized advertising campaigns designed to attract specific groups of customers in harmful behaviors such as smoking or drinking, a criticism which continues today.

The seal of the Federal Trade Commission

The government and various groups of 'public interest are interested more in the regulation of advertising. Modern critics worry about the impact of advertising on young children, that the ability of tasks dishonest claims and sexist and racist stereotypes in advertising. They are also particularly concerned with advertisements targeting children with products that are not suitable for them, such as junk food. Some advertisers have even hired psychologists for children to help identify the types of products that will appeal more to certain age groups, the indignation of sparks between the parents and the medical community. Many groups are also concerned by the proliferation of advertising on the Internet and especially about mail 'spamming '. The Federal Trade Commission and various acts of the ' State regulation advertisers and search for cases of "misleading claims that mislead consumers.» To protect children. He shall diffuser or publish advertisements for tobacco or alcohol in certain places and times. There was calls to advertisers tax in order to reduce the amount of advertising.

Advertising is more prevalent than ever in the early 2000s. Customers see littéralement of thousands of ads every day. Advertisers face an ongoing challenge to reach customers and persuade them to buy products. Difficult, although, the field continues to grow because businesses still need to advertise. The direction will take advertising, is what remains open to controversy.

Other References

Fox, Stephen. Manufacturers of mirror: A history of American advertising and its creators. Champaign, Illinois: University of Illinois Press, 1997; HURLEY, Andrew. Dinners, rooms, bowling alleys and trailer parks: chasing the American dream in the postwar consumer culture. New York: Basic Books, 2002; Sivulka, Elisa. SOAP, sex and cigarettes: a cultural history of American advertising. Wadsworth Publishing, 1997.


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