Add/ADHD: overview

Robert was a typical two-year-old: running around and jumping on his bed until he felt ready to sleep. In kindergarten, he not optative steps remain seated during Group time and moved between centres, each leaving a mess as he ran on pairs. Third level teachers have started talking to the parents of Robert; It was blurt out answers and his office was constantly packed full of documents, books and toys. In junior high, home assignments were never shot and Robert received the detention of lunch to talk about constant. Lately he was in class every day in high school, because it was impossible to wake him up. It does optative find her keys in the morning mist. Pendant college graduation, he lost five mobile phones and graduated with an average 2.65. Robert was a typical ADHD child.

Medical science an impulsive started to recognize 'hyperactivity, l' l and inattention in children, in the early 1900s. In 1902, British Pediatrician George Frederic Still described 20 children in practice of its, which resisted discipline, were excessively emotional and had impulsively. It has estimated that the disease was probably hereditary. In the years 1920 and 1930, researchers examined the possibility that behavioural problems were causés by the trauma of birth or postnatal injury to the head. The 1930s saw the first use of drugs to control hyperactivity. The publication of psychopathology and the education of the child injured brain put the label "minor brain damage (MBD)" into service in the 1950s and 1960s. In the 1970s, researcher Canadian Virginia Douglas argued that deficits in attention caused behavior problems in children, instead of hyperactivity. "Attention Deficit Disorder" was included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM - III) in 1980. Since 1902, and then, "Roberts" had several names for their trouble: "brain damage", 'hyperkinetic impulsive disorder' and "(TDA) attention deficit disorder."

Student and teacher

Since 1994, this condition is called "ADHD" (attention-deficit/hyperactivity). It is usually characterized by L ' hyperactivity, impulsively and poor attention. ADHD is a disorder of the nervous system that affects 3 to 8% of school-age children. The fourth law quatrain edition of the diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM - IV), the diagnostic manual of the American Psychiatric Association, is divided into types of major symptoms ADHD and groups them into three categories. The Prime Minister is called the "primarily inattentive type," which describes the Tomb, with little impulsively inattention / hyperactivity. Next is the type handset that combines impulsively inattention serious severe hyperactivity. The last is predominant Hyperactive/Impulsive type: severe impulsively, but little inattention. The DSM - IV lists nine symptoms of inattention, including failure to give special attention to the details, is listening not when he says to, difficulty maintaining attention, not following affectations, fix to Organizer, lose things and distractibility. Of these symptoms, a child must have at least six that cause problems in two or more areas: school interactions, professional, social or family.

There is no definitive test to determine if a person with ADHD. An assessment may include a physical exam accompanied by a history of academic, social and emotional of the individual operation. The child, parents, and teachers can all contribute to the assessment. Other professionals may also yield ADHD including was, school psychologists, psychologists, nurse practitioners or neurologists. There are checklists for rating ADHD symptoms, such as L 'rating scale Connor, to help eliminate other disorders that may have similar symptoms, such as l' anxiety, depression or learning disabilities.


There are numerous treatment options for individual ADHD. These include school of management behaviour and support programming and prescribed medication. There are several types of medications used to treat ADHD. Stimulants are the most commonly prescribed medication. These drugs are sold under the brand names Ritalin Cylert, Dexedrine and Adderall, Desoxyn. The possible side effects of these drugs include a decrease in the appetite, upset stomach, irritability and insomnia. In 2003, another class of drugs approved for treating ADHD: Constituents. One of these drugs, Atomoxetine, sold as Strattera, seems to have fewer side effects than stimulants. Antidepressants are also sometimes used for the treatment of ADHD. However, in 2004, food and pharmaceuticals (FDA) warned that this method of treatment can cause UN rarely increase the risk of suicide in children and adolescents. Drugs normalising differently on each child and a doctor must determine the right drug and dosage for each child.

If left not diagnosed and untreated, many children may have serious problems when they are older. When ADHD children reach adolescence, they may suffer failures and poor school performance and drop out of school. They have great difficulty in maintaining social relationships and anti-social behaviour. Pregnancies with experience they may be also teen. Research has also shown that a lot of teenage ADHD have problems of conduct and employment. More importantly, ADHD does not stop in the teens for two-thirds of these young people. Research shows a probability accumulate that this disorder will continue into adulthood.

The seal of the National Institutes of Health

There is significant research in the field of ADHD. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), medical universities, scientists and teachers constituting to explore the many facets of this disability and its treatment. There are also groups that provide information and support for patients with ADHD and their families. One of these groups is children and adults with attention deficit disorders (Julien), a leading advocacy and support for people suffering from ADHD group. The organization provides leadership, advocacy, access to research, education and support for its 20,000 members. In March 2006, Julien has urged the FDA to rely on science and the evidence to study the possible side effects of medications used to treat ADHD. He applauded the FDA for issuing warnings about potential side effects of stimulant medications.

ADHD is a controversial subject. Recently, she has received a lot of negative attention because of the considerable increase in the number of children diagnosed. Children from three to five per cent (approximately 2 million) in America are considered to be of ADHD. A large number of these children are treated with medication for ADHD. Many questions about the use of powerful psychiatric drugs on a large number of young children. Adult diagnosed ADHD increasing also. Some doctors and social commentators have begun to wonder what motivates the figuration of the Americans diagnosed and treated for a syndrome for which there is no specific diagnostic test.

Other References

Brown, Thomas E. understanding of disorders deficit of attention in children, adolescents and adults: assessment and treatment. San Antonio: The Psychological society, 1995; Green, Christopher and Kit Chee. Understanding ADD. New York: Doubleday, 1994; Timimi, Sami. Naughty Boys: Anti-social behaviour, ADHD and the role of culture. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2005.


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