Animal rights: overview

Rights legal and moral of the animals are a subject that can arouse great passions, for and against. Traditionally, saw him reported no law on animals, but in the course of the last two centuries, more people have come to argue that animals have moral rights and should have legal rights. Debates on these rights have left the classroom and the courtroom in recent years and are the subject of intense activism, which has sometimes led to attacks from scientific laboratories that use animals as subjects of 'experience as well as people wearing fur coats. Animal rights activists have formed powerful organizations to protect everything from pets to chickens kept for the whales dinner table in the deep sea.

Poster promoting vegetarianism

Throughout human history, we have always interacted with animals. Animals have provided food, clothing, with work, with transport and much more. For centuries, the exploitation of animals has been taken as a human right; animal existence to humanity and little attention has been given to their well-being or happiness. The treatment of the animals varied culture in culture. Some cultures revere cows, while others see cattle as a cheap protein. Some cultures view dogs as "man's best friend" and others sees them as a main dish for dinner. From the 19th century, moral philosophers and lawyers in the West started to question if the animals were simply property to use or abused as their owners wished. The animal rights movement had its origin both in the growing recognition that domestic animals. Now known as "pets," should be protected against abuse and examples of blatant and unnecessary cruelty that has alarmed and disgusted the public. For example, in the city of New York in the 19th century, treating common (property of movers) their horses resulted in the formation of societies for the protection of animals.

Today, the debate on animal rights is international and the pen of philosophers, scientists, lawyers and activists. He did y consensus not evident in this debate on an approach specific to the problem or if all or only certain animals have rights. A part, there are those who say that all animals, even insects, a certain degree of moral and legal rights. This extreme view point has even led some to assert that it is wrong to ' eradicate the viruses that cause smallpox or the middle, because humanity should never drive a species to extinction. Others will say that only certain animal species have all rights at all. Some argue that only the so-called "species of accompaniment," like cats and dogs that are kept as pets, should have rights. Others would extend rights to domestic species such as horses, but no more details. And some say that the animals no right at all and exists only for the use of humankind, the man that God gave biblical "dominion" Following the concept of all animals.

One of the major difficulties during the consideration of the rights of animals is the lack of consensus as regards on what basis that a theory of animal rights should be built. Is the crucial question of whether the animal is sensitive? Or if the key question of whether animals can feel pain and fear? Or the issue would be if the use or abuse of animals is pragmatically unwise? There is also the question of the origin of these rights, existing word. Rights of animals come only human action? If so, we then conclude that a man can also easily deprive the animals of their rights that afford them. If the rights of animals are not only of human law and morality (they are 'natural rights' or rights arising from a hunting), then must deal with all matters relating to these rights, including religious and philosophical issues. Finally, he did y consensus unclear, even among those who favor the rights of animals, about the extent to non-existent rights of which these. Some say that animals have the right of "be free of pain and suffering, including killing. '' Others would limit the animal rights to freedom of cruelty and the guarantee of a 'humane killing '. Others would make these much wider rights, even argue that animals have the right to be complimentary in nature, even if it means the preservation of wild spaces for animals.

The subject of animal rights is one who engages in various individuals and groups around the world. Many organizations exist to promote and preserve these rights. Some, such as divers 'national societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals' have been in existence for decades. Others, like the people of a radical for the ethical treatment of animals, are more recent. Given the roles animals play, provide food to act as subjects of medical and cosmetic treatments at the position test standing in as substitutes for humans by humans in situations dangerous as space exploration or the war, animals and beings humans interact constantly. As long as this situation exists, the controversy over animal rights will continue.

Other References

Decuma, David. Animal rights: A very Short introduction. London and New York: Oxford University Press, 2002; Guither, Harold D. Animal rights: history and scope of a Radical Social movement. IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1997; Regan, Thomas. The case of the rights of animals. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2004; Singer, Peter, ed. In defense of animals: the second wave. Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 2005. ; Singer, Peter. Animal liberation. New York, NY: Harper Perennial, 2001; Sunstein, Cass and Nussbaum r. Animal rights: current debates and new directions. London and New York: Oxford University Press, 2005; Sunstein, Cass R. and Nussbaum, eds. Animal rights: current debates and new directions. New York: Oxford University Press, USA, 2004.


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